Our Services

Comprehensive Exams & Oral Health

In our clinic, we use modern technology like digital imaging, intraoral photography, and scanners to best diagnose and plan your dental treatment. Your oral health is important to us. We take a proactive approach to preventing gums disease. At the time of your initial visit, we make sure we tell you your periodontal conditions and create a personalized plan for your care.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Our main goal is that you smile with confidence. We offer modern treatments to improve the appearance of your teeth. Veneers, porcelain crowns, metal-free restorations, and whitening are some of these procedures. We also offer Botox treatment to improve cosmetic results.


Are stained or yellow teeth holding you back from the smile you want? Waukesha Dental Solutions offers a variety of teeth whitening options for our patients, so you can enjoy a brighter smile. Our teeth whitening solutions are stronger than over-the-counter offerings, and can often make your teeth several shades lighter. If you’re interested in professional teeth whitening, give us a call for pricing and more information.


Filling cavities is important for preventing tooth decay and infection. If cavities are not filled, the area of decay is likely to expand which can cause a host of other issues. Waukesha Dental Solutions offers composite fillings made of a durable material that matches the color of your teeth. We also take care to ensure you are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. If you have cavities in need of fillings, contact us today.

Ceramic Crowns

A crown can provide structural integrity to a tooth that is severely decayed or otherwise damaged. Crowns are custom fit to your mouth, securing it and protecting it from additional damage. Waukesha Dental Solutions uses highly durable porcelain materials to fabricate crowns. They are matched to the shade of your tooth, so they look completely natural. Contact us for more information if you think you may need a crown.

No-Prep Veneers

If you’re dissatisfied with your smile, whether you have gaps, chips, or stains on your teeth, veneers may be an option for you. Veneers are a cosmetic overlay for your teeth, giving you a beautiful and natural appearance. Veneers are stain-resistant, wear-resistant, and are considered to be a permanent solution. If you think veneers may be the solution for you, contact our office for more information on the process and pricing.


Root Canal Therapy

If you have a tooth with severe decay, you may need a root canal. A root canal removes the infected area of your tooth, preventing further spread of infection. Without a root canal, your tooth may need to be removed entirely. If the words “root canal” give you anxiety, don’t worry. Waukesha Dental Solutions uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure a painless process. Contact our office for more details on root canal therapy.

Oral Surgery

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth, also known as your third molars, often need to be removed in your teen or young adult years. This is because many people don’t have room in their mouths to accommodate these teeth. If a wisdom tooth doesn't have room to grow and is impacted, this can result in pain and other dental problems. If you or your child needs their wisdom teeth pulled, Waukesha Dental Solutions can help.

Other Extractions

There are many reasons a tooth may need to be extracted. This could be due to decay, periodontal disease, damage or fracture, or simply poor positioning. If you think you may need a tooth pulled, contact us. Waukesha Dental Solutions can conduct tooth extractions in an easy, pain-free way.



If you’ve lost teeth, dentures can restore your ability to eat and speak comfortably. Dentures also provide a natural-looking smile. They are made of durable materials that simulate the appearance of your natural teeth and gums. Contact us if you’re interested in partial dentures, full dentures, or overdentures.

Implant Restorations

If you are missing a tooth, a dental implant restoration might be what you need. Implants start with a titanium post that is placed in the jaw as a replacement for the root and are followed by a restoration that replaces the structure of the tooth. If you’re interested in learning more about dental implants, contact us.